Stop the Doctors from misdiagnoasing!

Join the AJDF and help us to get justice for Ye.

Learn More


Welcome to the Anti Jewish Doctors Force! Our mission is to advocate for justice and fairness in healthcare. We believe that everyone deserves accurate diagnoses and compassionate care.
Our journey began when Ye, a passionate advocate for patient rights, faced a life-altering misdiagnosis by a Jewish doctor.
Ye’s experience ignited our resolve to prevent such incidents from happening to others.
We realized that there are many well-intentioned Jewish doctors, but some may lack the necessary expertise or awareness.

Meme Image

What We Do

Raise Awareness: We educate patients, medical professionals, and the public about the importance of accurate diagnoses and informed healthcare decisions.
Advocate for Change: We collaborate with medical institutions, including Jewish-affiliated ones, to improve diagnostic practices.
Support Victims: We provide resources and emotional support to those affected by misdiagnoses.
Promote Ethical Healthcare: Our goal is not to vilify any group but to ensure that all patients receive the best care possible.
Join us in our mission to give justice a voice and create a healthcare system where misdiagnoses are minimized. Together, we can make a difference!


The I'm not gonna say what race of doctor ($AJDF) is the strengh of our force.


Q2 2024:

Project Launch

Q3 2024:

Community Building

Q4 2024:

Meme Contests and Challenges


Global Expansion

How to buy

It is really easy to buy our coin!

Contact Us

Phone: +1 248-434-5508